Darwin to Kununurra Flights (DRW - KNX)

There is 1 airline flying from Darwin, DRW to Kununurra, KNX. Airnorth Regional has 1 flight per day.

Once you have selected the best times then check prices with our recommended carriers. And don't forget to take advantage of our up-to-date hotel room rates.

Depart: Arrive: Flight Number: Aircraft: Airline: Duration: Days: Terminal:
10:45 10:15 TL* 332 E70 Airnorth Regional 0:30 Daily 3

Return Route: Kununurra to Darwin flights.

Route Map

Route map for Darwin to Kununurra Flights

Darwin Flight Departures

Kununurra Flight Arrivals

Flight information is provided by FlightStats, and is subject to the FlightStats Terms of Use.